Land Use Archive

Amendments to the Reed Lane Development

Proposed Amendments to Reed Lane Development

By Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association | August 4, 2020

Changes to Reed Lane development!  A slight increase in parking and minor changes.

New 5 story development – public meeting, July 6th

By Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association | June 28, 2020

Public Virtual Meeting re: 5 story development – corner of Columbia and Shevlin-Hixon: July 6, 2pm. On July 6 at 2pm, there will be a public meeting for a proposed 5 story mixed use building of over 10,000 square feet in size with 250 multi-family units, a parking garage, and commercial space on the ground…

Another virtual meeting regarding the Pine Ridge Inn big development – May 6, 5:30pm

By Deby DeWeese, Vice Chair / Land Use Coordinator | April 29, 2020

Because the developer neglected to give notification to all the neighbors as required, there will be another virtual meeting regarding the large development project to replace the Pine Ridge Inn at Colorado, Mt. Bachelor Drive, and Century Drive. To listen to audio: This meeting will be on May 6 at 5:30pm using GoToMeeting for the…

Important Land Use Survey

By Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association | April 5, 2020

The Neighborhood Leadership Alliance (NLA) is asking the community to tell them what they know (or don’t know) about land use. The survey can be found at This survey will help develop a land use education plan, including new resources for NAs to use to help the community better understand land use in Bend. It’s…

Large Redevelopment Plan for Pine Ridge Inn area, virtual meeting Apr 15, 5:30-6:30pm

By Deby DeWeese, Vice Chair / Land Use Coordinator | March 30, 2020

There is a virtual public meeting planned for Wednesday, April 15, at 5:30pm to discuss a large redevelopment plan for the area at and near the Pine Ridge Inn. The development is on land at Colorado, Century, and Mt. Bachelor Drive. Click on this link to look at the site plan: pine_ridge_inn_apr_15_5.30pm.pdf The meeting is being sponsored by Grant…

Parking lot change to Pine Ridge Inn

By Deby DeWeese, Vice Chair / Land Use Coordinator | March 12, 2020

CANCELLED AS OF MARCH 16, 2020 – There is a public meeting for a proposed change to the parking lot for the Pine Ridge Inn, which is located at 1200 Mt. Bachelor Drive.  The meeting will be held on Thursday, March 19th at 5:30 PM in the conference room of the Marriott Residence Inn (500 SW Bond Street…

Proposed development of 26 units at 1285 SW Silver Lake Blvd.

By Deby DeWeese, Vice Chair / Land Use Coordinator | February 12, 2020

There is a public meeting for a proposed development of 26 units at 1285 SW Silver Lake Blvd.  Since this is the preliminary meeting, there is no PZ number, but, if you are interested in learning what is being proposed so you can comment later, do attend.  One of the units will be a duplex…

Two public hearings on changes to City code for special development in the Bend Central District

By Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association | December 29, 2019

PZ-19-0861 For further information: Pauline Hardie, Senior Planner (541) 693-2153; [email protected] First hearing is with the Planning Commission: PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING DATE: Monday, January 13, 2020, 5:30pm HEARING LOCATION: Council Chambers Bend City Hall 710 NW Wall St Bend, OR 97703 Second hearing is with the Bend City Council: CITY COUNCIL HEARING DATE: Wednesday, February 5, 2020,…

80 Unit Hotel at 623 SW Mill View Way

By Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association | October 1, 2019

There is a public meeting on Tuesday, October 8 at 6pm at Sunrise Village Lodge at 19560 Sunshine Way to discuss this project.  If you want to learn more about this 80 Unit Hotel project and how to submit any public comments, come to the October 8, 6pm meeting.

6 story, 150 unit Apartment building

By Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association | September 16, 2019

6 story, 150 unit Apartment building with parking structure at the corner of Columbia Street and Shevlin Hixon Drive: There is a public meeting on Tuesday, October 1 at 5:30pm at 360 SW Bond, Suite 500 (Bend offices of Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt) to discuss this project. The developer is applying for a height variance.…

SCNA by the numbers:

  • 882.9 acres
  • 91.4 acres vacant
  • 1745 tax lots
  • 1,101 tax lots developed
  • 251 tax lots with infill potential
  • 127 lots N/A
  • 85 tax lots partially vacant
  • 29 tax lots publicly owned
  • 124 tax lots vacant
  • 74 vacation home rentals
  • 10 public art installations
  • 452 active business licenses
  • 14 bus stops
  • 1317 utility customers
  • 5 irrigation canals
  • 2 irrigation districts
  • 1 river
  • 14 riverfront and neighborhood parks
  • 2 zip codes
  • 340 fire hydrants
  • 6 roundabouts
  • 238 street segments

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