Your neighborhood needs you!
Make a difference in YOUR neighborhood
This is a dynamic time for Southern Crossing, with lots of change in the near and far future. Learn what is happening in YOUR neighborhood by being on the Board of the Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association. You can also help influence growth and development by being involved. Sitting on the SCNA board gives you a great chance to collaborate and connect with other neighbors, and contribute to what is happening in our community. This is an opportunity to make a difference.
General board member positions are open. Please use the button below to indicate your interest, or email [email protected] if you have any questions.
About Southern Crossing
Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association (SCNA) is one of the 13 Neighborhood Districts recognized by the City of Bend. People over the age of 18 who live or have businesses in Southern Crossing Neighborhood District are automatically SCNA members. Bend City Council established SCNA on February 19, 2003, making SCNA the 5th of 13 such neighborhood groups.
Our neighborhood district boundaries are the Parkway (Hwy 97) and Colorado Avenue east to west and between Arizona and Powers north to south. View detailed maps.
The Southern Crossing Neighborhood District has 882.9 acres (91.4 vacant), 2,057 tax lots, and 452 active business licenses.
Latest News from Southern Crossing
2024 General Membership Meeting Followup
At our October 2024 General Membership Meeting, there were a number of questions to the presenters that did not get addressed due to running out of time. We forwarded the remaining written questions to the appropriate presenter. These are the responses we received. Jackstraw Development Where are parking spaces and…
Read MoreChamberlain Street NSSP Project Design Update
The city has reached what they call “30% design” of the Neighborhood Street Safety Program (NSSP) project on SW Chamberlain Street. The city is planning to pave a 300-foot gravel section of the street, including the addition of safety improvements for bicycles and pedestrians, add an improved bicycle/pedestrian crossing of…
Read MoreFree Home Energy Assessment and Low Cost Upgrades
The Environmental Center’s mission is to embed sustainability into daily life in Central Oregon. They translate sustainability into practical, local action in order to create a healthy future for people and the planet. The Environmental Center (TEC) is working with Energy Trust of Oregon to help ensure access to Energy…
Read MoreLand Use / Development Notices
Public Comment on 42-Lot Shared Court Subdivision
Last fall there was a public meeting for a proposed 42-lot “shared court” subdivision prior to the developer submitting a formal application to the City. That application has now been submitted, and the City is inviting public comment. The proposed development is located at the northwest corner of the intersection…
Read MoreOpportunities for Public Input on Selecting Site for Urban Growth Boundary Addition
The City of Bend is seeking public participation in selecting a site for inclusion within the City of Bend’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) under Senate Bill 1537. Two site applications are being considered, but only one site up to 100 acres can be added to the UGB through the SB…
Read MorePublic Hearing for Bend Code Changes in Convenience Commercial & Neighborhood Commercial Districts
The City of Bend will hold a hybrid public hearing on Bend Development Code changes to address two areas: Prohibit new auto-dependent uses in the Convenience Commercial zoning district Amend the Short Term Rentals code for Neighborhood Commercial district properties to apply the same review type, concentration limit, and number…
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