Latest News from Southern Crossing

Parking lot change to Pine Ridge Inn

By Deby DeWeese, Vice Chair / Land Use Coordinator | March 12, 2020

CANCELLED AS OF MARCH 16, 2020 – There is a public meeting for a proposed change to the parking lot for the Pine Ridge Inn, which is located at 1200 Mt. Bachelor Drive.  The meeting will be held on Thursday, March 19th at 5:30 PM in the conference room of the Marriott Residence Inn (500 SW Bond Street…

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Reed Market / Bond / Brookswood Roundabout Signaling Test

By Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association | February 28, 2020

During the week of March 2-6, the City will test the use of metered signals at the Reed Market/Bond/Brookswood roundabout. If this route happens to be part of your regular commute, you will notice test signals on each leg of the roundabout as cars approach. Metered signals hold back vehicles on one lane approaching the roundabout to…

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Welcome to our newest Board Member – Mike Zapp!

By Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association | February 27, 2020

Mike volunteered and was elected to the SCNA board at the February 20th meeting. We are very excited to welcome him and look forward to him sharing his insights and experience with us! At the same time we are saddened to share that Rose Blackburn resigned from the board in January to focus on exciting…

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