Land Use
Attached is a copy of the notice for the public meeting to be held onThursday, September 24, for the proposed Roosevelt subdivision.
Read MoreChanges to Reed Lane development! A slight increase in parking and minor changes.
Read MorePublic Virtual Meeting re: 5 story development – corner of Columbia and Shevlin-Hixon: July 6, 2pm. On July 6 at 2pm, there will be a public meeting for a proposed 5 story mixed use building of over 10,000 square feet in size with 250 multi-family units, a parking garage, and commercial space on the ground…
Read MoreBecause the developer neglected to give notification to all the neighbors as required, there will be another virtual meeting regarding the large development project to replace the Pine Ridge Inn at Colorado, Mt. Bachelor Drive, and Century Drive. To listen to audio: This meeting will be on May 6 at 5:30pm using GoToMeeting for the…
Read MoreThe Neighborhood Leadership Alliance (NLA) is asking the community to tell them what they know (or don’t know) about land use. The survey can be found at This survey will help develop a land use education plan, including new resources for NAs to use to help the community better understand land use in Bend. It’s…
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