SCNA Monthly Board of Directors Meeting Thursday 2/21

The Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association’s monthly Board of Directors meeting will be this Thursday, February 21 from 6 P.M. to 8 P.M.
This meeting will be held upstairs at Market of Choice, 115 NW Sisemore St, Bend.

The primary purpose of this meeting will be to transition from the previous Board of Directors to the new Board, elected during the Annual General Membership Meeting held on 2/7/19.

The New Board of Directors (BOD) are:
Chair: Rose Blackburn
Vice-chair/Land Use Coordinator: Deby DeWeese
Secretary: None elected on 2/7. Currently vacant.
Treasurer: Aaron Jones.
Outreach & Communications Coordinator: None elected on 2/7. Currently vacant.
Event Coordinator: Valerie Pharr. 
Program Coordinator: Keith Pharr. 

Additionally 4 individuals were elected to serve as Members-at-Large (MAL):
Karen Bergsvik, Marjorie Meret-Carmen, Kent Pressman and Keith Scott. 
(Member(s)-at-Large do not have a specific list of duties. Rather they serve the board’s strategic needs as determined by the Chair at any given time. Members-at-Large may have various projects–short or long-term–during their elected term. Any SCNA member is eligible to become a Member-at-Large. MALs do not have voting rights at Board of Director meetings.)

A note from your new Chair:
I look forward to serving the community of Southern Crossing and working with this amazing group of community members who are as dedicated as I am to maintaining the Bend way of life and enhancing livability in this neighborhood. I would also like to thank Jake Slodki and Jim Larson who are stepping down from the board this year for all the hard work they have put in serving this NA. I especially want to thank Valerie K. Pharr who has successfully chaired this association for the last two years and served as Communications/Outreach & Events Coordinator. Her desire to serve this community is obvious and highly commendable as Valerie is staying on as Events Coordinator. She is also SCNA’s liaison on the Neighborhood Leadership Alliance committee. Thank you, Valerie.
I look forward to meeting many of you over this next year at meetings and out about in the neighborhood.