Opportunities for Public Input on Selecting Site for Urban Growth Boundary Addition

The City of Bend is seeking public participation in selecting a site for inclusion within the City of Bend’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) under Senate Bill 1537. Two site applications are being considered, but only one site up to 100 acres can be added to the UGB through the SB 1537 process. The City Council may also choose to select a portion of a site or to not proceed with either site. The city has a dedicated web page for this effort here.

You can download the city’s notice with details of participation opportunities here. These start with an online public open house here, which will be available through December 4. This will be followed by a public meeting with the City Council on Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at 7:00 pm. (Information on the public meeting is included in the city’s notice.) You may also comment by email prior to the public hearing. Send emails to Michelle Patrick at [email protected] and include the project numbers PLCITY20240560 and PLCITY20240575 in the subject line.

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