Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association Map
Southern Crossing Neighborhood in Context of Bend Neighborhoods
SCNA is within the dotted lines
SCNA Boundaries
The SCNA is located on both sides of the Deschutes River in the general vicinity of the Old Mill District.
The Northern Boundary is defined by Simpson east, from Century Drive to Shevlin Hixon, Shevlin Hixon east to Colorado, Colorado east to Arizona, and Arizona east to the Bend Parkway.
The Eastern Boundary is defined by the Bend Parkway from Arizona south to Powers.
The Southern Boundary is defined by Powers from the Bend Parkway west to Brookswood.
The Western Boundary is defined by Brookswood from Powers north to Old Rock House Road, Old Rock House Road west to the Deschutes River, the Deschutes River north to Reed Market at the bridge, Reed Market west to Century Drive, and Century Drive north to Simpson.