The Bend City Council will hold a single public hearing on amendments to the Bend Comprehensive Plan and Bend Development Code for three permanent shelter types (Group, Multi-Room, and Outdoor) and two temporary shelter types (Temporary and Hardship Housing). This will be a hybrid hearing, taking place on Wednesday May 4 at 7pm. You can…
Read MoreThe neighborhood speed radar program is five mobile speed radar signs that rotate to different neighborhood streets and serve as an education tool encouraging motorists to drive the speed limit. The radars are placed from May through October at locations selected by the Neighborhood Associations. To request a speed radar, tell us of a specific…
Read MoreDeschutes County is once again conducting a Fire Free event this spring. The usual fee at Knott Landfill will be waived so that you may dispose of yard waste for free. This includes grass clippings, brush, plant prunings, pine needles, pine cones, weeds, trimmings, and branches, stumps or trees no larger than 12” diameter. This…
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