This glossary of terms was started to aid our board members while working on the Neighborhood Street Safety Program (NSSP) with the City in Fall 2019. We are sharing it here as a resource for our neighbors.
COBA - Central Oregon Builder's Association
CIP - Capital Improvement Project
Code 4.7 -
CSR - Citizen Service Request, for a variety of maintenance requests including bike lane repair, snow removal, traffic signal issues and street lights.
HB 2001 - Oregon House Bill 2001. Major changes to development codes statewide to be implemented in Bend in the next few years.
LCDC - Oregon's Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC), assisted by the department, adopts state land-use goals and implements rules, assures local plan compliance with the goals, coordinates state and local planning, and oversees the coastal zone management program.
NA - Neighborhood Association. There are 13 recognized NAs within the City of Bend. Learn more about them on the City's website. Here is an interactive map.
NART - Neighborhood Association Round Table, a group for the NAs to communicate and support each other. Meets every 2 months.
NLA - Neighborhood Leadership Alliance. NLA membership consists of one member representing each of the 13 recognized Neighborhood Associations in Bend. Committee members are recommended by the neighborhood association’s board and appointed by the Mayor with the consent of City Council.
The Neighborhood Leadership Alliance (NLA) provides a direct and continuing means for neighborhood association constituent participation and input to the City Council from a neighborhood and community perspective.
The NLA meets the second Tuesday of every month from 4-6 pm in City Council Chambers (710 NW Wall Street). The public may observe NLA meetings.
NSSP - Neighborhood Street Safety Project
Parking Code & Policy Assessment (Dec 2017)
RRFB - Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon, RRFB’s are being utilized at higher-speed 5-lane roadways such as 3rd Street or Greenwood Avenue east of 5th Street or the Parkway.
TSP - Transportation System Plan
Neighborhood Greenways (NG): Neighborhood Greenway is a term used by many cities across the country to describe a route for walking and bicycling that is more comfortable than nearby busier streets. Proposed improvements include signs, pavement markings, and limited traffic calming such as stop sign changes, speed humps, and traffic circles. These streets remain open to auto traffic with access to homes and businesses unaffected. People walking, bicycling, and driving will continue to share the street as is the case today.
- Project Goals
- Provide safer connections – Many people are already walking and biking along these streets and even more may feel more comfortable with the addition of a small amount of signs, pavement markings, and traffic calming
- Reduce cut through traffic and speeds – Traffic calming will help make the streets less attractive to drivers trying to avoid other nearby main streets. However, these streets will not be closed to auto traffic.
- Help people cross busier streets – Improved crossings at main streets will help people walking and biking cross more easily.
- Guide and help get people to where they are going – Pavement markings and future signs will let you know you are on the route and what’s nearby like parks, schools, and business districts.
For more information, please visit the City of Bend Neighborhood Greenways Page.
Note: Although it does not show this on the City's greenways map, the City has told us that Chamberlain (west of Silver Lake crossing Reed Market) is designated as a future Neighborhood Greenway route.