Free Home Energy Assessment and Low Cost Upgrades

The Environmental Center’s mission is to embed sustainability into daily life in Central Oregon. They translate sustainability into practical, local action in order to create a healthy future for people and the planet.

The Environmental Center (TEC) is working with Energy Trust of Oregon to help ensure access to Energy Trust incentives to communities who have historically been overlooked by Energy Trust programs, such as low to moderate income households, people of color, indigenous communities, people experiencing disabilities, and rural communities. TEC works with households in Central Oregon to complete free energy assessments of their homes and then help them access free or low cost energy upgrades.

Home upgrades like insulation, efficient heating systems, hybrid water heaters, and new windows can increase the comfort of your home and save you money on your energy bills.

To learn more or sign up, visit the TEC Home Energy Assessment page or call (541) 508-5948.

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