About the Southern Crossing
Neighborhood Association

Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association

Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association (SCNA) is one of the 13 Neighborhood Districts recognized by the City of Bend. People over the age of 18 who live or have businesses in Southern Crossing Neighborhood District are automatically SCNA members. Bend City Council established SCNA on February 19, 2003, making SCNA the 5th of 13 such neighborhood groups.

Our neighborhood district boundaries are the Parkway (Hwy 97) and Colorado Avenue east to west and between Arizona and Powers north to south. View detailed maps.

The Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association has 882.9 acres (91.4 vacant), 2,057 tax lots, and 452 active business licenses.

The purposes for which SCNA is organized are:

>> To enhance the livability of the Southern Crossing neighborhood by establishing and maintaining a line of communication and liaison between the neighborhood, the City of Bend and other Neighborhood Districts.

>>  To provide an open process by which all members of SCNA may involve themselves in the affairs of the Neighborhood District.

>> To perform all acts related to these purposes. To perform acts that will assist to serve educational, social and charitable purposes.

You Have the Power

“Good Citizens are the riches of the City.”
- Charles Wood, 1888

Since neighborhoods are participatory organizations, the work they do depends on the interests and motivation of the people who get involved.

You can bring issues and concerns to the neighborhood board and general meetings for discussion. You can contribute to the future of your neighborhood.

Want to get involved in your neighborhood?

Where is Southern Crossing?

Southern Crossing is located on both sides of the Deschutes River in Bend, Oregon, within the general vicinity of the Old Mill District.

The Northern Boundary is defined by Simpson east, from Century Drive to Shevlin Hixon, Shevlin Hixon east to Colorado, Colorado east to Arizona, and Arizona east to the Bend Parkway.

The Eastern Boundary is defined by the Bend Parkway from Arizona south to Powers.

The Southern Boundary is defined by Powers from the Bend Parkway west to Brookswood.

The Western Boundary is defined by Brookswood from Powers north to Old Rock House Road, Old Rock House Road west to the Deschutes River, the Deschutes River north to Reed Market at the bridge, Reed Market west to Century Drive, and Century Drive north to Simpson.

SCNA by the numbers:

  • 882.9 acres
  • 91.4 acres vacant
  • 1891 tax lots
  • 1,101 tax lots developed
  • 251 tax lots with infill potential
  • 127 lots N/A
  • 85 tax lots partially vacant
  • 29 tax lots publicly owned
  • 124 tax lots vacant
  • 74 vacation home rentals
  • 10 public art installations
  • 452 active business licenses
  • 14 bus stops
  • 1317 utility customers
  • 5 irrigation canals
  • 2 irrigation districts
  • 1 river (Deschutes)
  • 14 riverfront and neighborhood parks
  • 2 zip codes
  • 340 fire hydrants
  • 6 roundabouts
  • 238 street segments


​The bylaws set forth the official name, boundaries, guidelines and rules recognized by the Bend City Council. The original bylaws were amended in August 2019.

Board Members:

Open position -  [email protected]

Vice Chair / Land Use Chair
Roberta Silverman - [email protected]

Lowell Von Ruden - [email protected]

Open position - [email protected]

General Board Member
Susan Richman

General Board Member
Todd Torczon

Additional positions are open


IT / Communications
Lowell Von Ruden - [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

Board FAQs

Want to get involved in your neighborhood?