Quarterly General Membership Scheduled for Thursday, May 4!

​Please join us Thursday, May 4, 2017, from 5 to 8 PM at the Bend Parks & Recreation District Office (Riverbend Conference Room) for 13 Bean Tex-Mex Style Soup, Chili, and Cornbread.
Mix and mingle with your neighbors and get the latest updates on Bend’s current and future growth challenges from the City of Bend’s growth management expert Nick Arnis.
Next, we have Erin Foote Morgan, Executive Director from Bend 2030 who will share with us an abbreviated Middle Housing slide presentation presented earlier this month by national diverse housing type expert, Dan Parolek, at the Tower.
How will we solve the puzzle of Bend’s missing middle housing—those duplexes, triplexes, townhomes and courtyard apartments that fill the gap between single-family homes and multi-story apartment buildings? Middle housing, a term coined by Parolek, is also known as workforce housing or moderate housing.
This is a great opportunity for Q & A, to learn more about how we as a neighborhood association can band together, to have our voices be heard, and provide solutions. In the meantime, we want to know:
“How do Southern Crossing residents propose to address critical housing and transportation needs while maintaining the character of the neighborhood?”
For more information on Bend 2030, visit their web

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