KorPine Archives - Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association https://bendscna.org/category/land-use/korpine/ Representing our Neighborhood Association in Bend, Oregon Wed, 20 May 2020 22:01:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://bendscna.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/cropped-SCNA-logo-square-150x150.png KorPine Archives - Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association https://bendscna.org/category/land-use/korpine/ 32 32 General Membership Meeting, Elections, and SOCIAL! https://bendscna.org/southern-crossing-na-general-membership-meeting-and-elections/ Thu, 31 Jan 2019 00:00:00 +0000 https://bendscna.org/uncategorized/southern-crossing-na-general-membership-meeting-and-elections/ Join us for the Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association (SCNA) General Membership Meeting, Elections, and SOCIAL Thursday, February 7 at Bend Parks and Rec District Office River Bend Conference Room located at 799 Columbia Street. Arrive at 5:45 pm to grab some food and beverages and mingle with your neighbors.  Special guests include Mayor Sally Russell,…

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Join us for the Southern Crossing Neighborhood Association (SCNA) General Membership Meeting, Elections, and SOCIAL Thursday, February 7 at Bend Parks and Rec District Office River Bend Conference Room located at 799 Columbia Street. Arrive at 5:45 pm to grab some food and beverages and mingle with your neighbors. 

Special guests include Mayor Sally Russell, Susanna Julber, Senior Projects & Policy Analyst, Sergeant Landolt, and a surprise bonus, Allison Platt, who will present on the planning for the SCNA’s KorPine area. Mayor Russell will talk about her agenda as Bend’s newly elected mayor, Susanna will talk about the new changes to the Septic to Sewer, Project, and Sergeant Landolt will give us an Annual Crime Report. This will be a great informative meeting. 

Membership Drive CHALLENGE!

The SCNA member who brings the most guests who live in the SCNA boundaries who sign up to become a member will receive a door prize valued up to $100 dollars donated by one of our members! All you have to do to become a member is give us your name and your email. Membership is free. 

Neighborhood Associations (NAs)

Neighborhoods work to improve the livability to their parts of the city. The SCNA gathers once a month on third Thursdays from 6 pm to 8 pm to discuss and resolve common issues including crime prevention, transportation, pedestrian safety, land use, and the environment. We also have the ability to coordinate social events, programs, and projects. We routinely invite special guests to talk on topics of interest. 

Neighborhood vs Homeowner Associations

Neighborhood and homeowner associations are different types of organizations. Neighborhood Associations are open to anyone who lives within the boundaries, whether renter or homeowner. Homeowner associations are limited to homeowners in the area and usually require dues and apply a set of CC&R’s. Neighborhood Associations do not require dues, though sponsorship and voluntary donations help facilitate their work.

Since neighborhoods are participatory organizations, the work they do depends on the interests and motivation of the people who get involved. You can bring issues and concerns to the neighborhood meeting for discussion. 

You can contribute to the solution.

Neighborhood Leadership Alliance (NLA)

The Neighborhood Leadership Alliance (NLA) provides a direct and continuing means for neighborhood association constituent participation and input to the City Council from a neighborhood and community perspective. 

NLA membership consists of one member representing each of the 13 recognized neighborhood associations in Bend. Committee members are recommended by the neighborhood association’s board and appointed by the Mayor with the consent of City Council.

NLA fosters communication and awareness of quality of life issues affecting the neighborhoods among the Neighborhood Associations, the City and appropriate entities. 

We look forward to seeing you Thursday!

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